          THE BOSS: OBAMA DEMANDS GM CEO RESIGN THE BOSS: OBAMA DEMANDS GM CEO RESIGN Attack one, attack all, Tell your President tha 太平洋房屋t he has to die first before any USA official can have right to demand any of you CE0 (That even I did not ever demand anyone of y 信用貸款ou have to gone but your stupid bad ugly evil President <US president cannot have good will and strength like me to respect your right to stay or 房屋貸款 leave your private section, to fire or hire by your company's boss, to live or die at your own private formed rule, free ##Your President must have to give you free or give y 買屋ou death, now he against this Free World Leader common law, abused his President power to force you to resign, he must have to die for his forceful crime.## from public office press or force, m 婚禮佈置ust be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later>must have to die.)gone ; your President is the hightest office in USA, he must have no right to attack anyone of you, like Western said "Give me free, or give m 室內設計e death", your President must have right to kill you, but must have no right to force or demand you to resign; only you all CEO can have the right to demand your President or any public office to resign, because you are the one forced t 澎湖民宿o pay the bill, those who bail you out or lend you a hand must have no right to demand you to resign, because those who have the room to bail or show hand out obviously got all freedom to say no to anyone of you to leave you all free to live or die.Your Preside 燒烤nt has no right to act like "stupid bad ugly evil " master to force you to get out (GET OUT! but kill you or wait for you to say good-bye at your own free mind. A President cannot have that good will and strength to do the kill or wait for you to s 節能燈具ay good-bye at your own free mind to fit the France Revoluation "Give me free or give me death" USA independent rule, must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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